Two-person scramble is a competition format that consists of two players. After each shot, the best of the two shots is selected and both players play from the spot. Repeat until the ball is holed.
Registration fee includes:
✓ Cart/green fees, swag bag, on-course refreshments, take-out lunch.
✓ Your chance to scramble for cash prizes in Low Gross & Double Peoria and in the 5 Optional Play Contest!
o Low Gross & Double Peoria Prizes: 1st Place: $800; 2nd Place $650; 3rd Place $500!
o Each Optional Play Content is $150 for a total chance of winning $750!
Player Pre-Tournament Packets: Each player will receive a complete packet consisting of all materials needed for game day to include: score card, bag tags, and pre-purchased items (optional play tags, raffle tickets). We encourage all players to pick up packets before the day of the tournament at the SCC Office to avoid long lines and assist in enforcing social distancing measures at registration.
Player Pre-Tournament Packets will be available for pick-up at Saipan Chamber of Commerce Office on Monday, May 17th through Friday, May 21st from 8 am to 5 pm. All players will check-in on tournament day at the Lao Lao Bay Golfd & Resort Lobby from 6 am to 6:45 am.
The SCC Golf Tournament is structured to follow EO 2020-04 guidelines as of July 7, 2020 (Vulnerability Level Blue). Player agrees to hold harmless SCC in the case that EO 2020-04 restricts ability to host golf tournament on May 22nd pending future changes in vulnerability levels and guidelines. Player agrees to follow all procedures as instructed by SCC in order to uphold Vulnerability Level Blue guidelines. In the case player does not adhere to procedures, SCC is held harmless and play may be disqualified and asked to leave tournament with no refund.